Monday, 22 February 2016


What is a life wheel?

A life wheel also known as the wheel of life is basically a conceptual wheel divided into different segments that represent different areas of our lives. It is a wheel that gives us a glimpse of how you are faring in your overall life and also in the different individual areas of your life. It is an essential tool in our journey of growth.

Here's an example of a life wheel; 

Each segment is rated on a scale of 1 - 10, whereby one is on the lower side and 10 on the upper, and representing how you are doing in the different areas of your life right now.  It could be poorly, very well, or just okay.  The segments are not fixed, you can alter them to fit the areas in your life you find important.

As you mark each segment, you should mark out your scores then connect the dots.  In the end you get a web-like diagram that gives you an idea of how you are faring in your life.   

The life wheel lets you spot the different parts of your life that you are performing poorly and thus work on improving the score.  It also helps you identify the areas in your life that you have neglected, which are just as important.

1. Business/Career/Studies: How are you faring in your business as an entrepreneur, your career as an employee and your studies as a student?  Are you achieving your best?

2. Finance/wealth:  How much is your income/monthly cash flow?  Are you able to save and how are you utilizing it? Do you have any current assets? A passive income stream?

3. Health/Fitness: Are you leading a holistic healthy lifestyle which include physical, emotional and mental health?

4. Social/Friends: What does your social circle consists of? Are they true friends, friends you can hang out with, have fun with and confide in?  Are they helping you grow? 

5. Family:  What's your relationship like with your family members? Your relatives? 

6. Romance/Love:  What's your love life like?

7. Recreation/fun: How often do you give yourself a break and what are the activities you do for fun or to relax? 

8. Contribution:  Do you give back to the community?

9. Personal growth:  Are you working everyday to reaching your highest potential.  To being the best version of your self and to live your best life?

10. Spirituality: How in tuned are you with God.  Your connection with our creator, God.

11. Self image:  How do you view yourself? Do you respect yourself? Do you love yourself?  Do you believe in your capabilities?  Do you love what you do? 
Which of these areas of your life are you neglecting?  Ultimately, all areas on the wheel are important because they are parts of your life.  Disregarding any one of them means disregarding a part of yourself and thus your larger life.

Whatever the current state of your life wheel looks like, it is important to note that low scores doesn't represent unhappiness, it reflects an opportunity to grow.  Even when we get to a 10, we can always find new ways to make it better.  Life is limitless.  The only limits in life are those you put for yourself.  Moreover what 10 means to you now could be different in a different time.

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