"In this world, you are either growing or dying, so get in motion and grow" ~ Lou Holtz.I totally agree with this quote by Lou Holtz. Life has a way of teaching us lessons, some choose to learn and grow from this lessons, while others resist the signs and process, afraid of the outcome.
Here is a list of the 10 most important and powerful lessons and discoveries I've learned in my life thus far. I know there are many more to come, and yes! I am ready and receptive to them all...
1. Power of Thoughts: This is my greatest discovery and the more the reason it tops my list. The realization that I create my destiny with every thought that goes on in my head every day.
Everything around you was once a thought. The thoughts that you chose to think will mold and shape who you become and determine what happens to you. You can never get positive results in life if you think negatively.
2. Life and the meaning to life: Never wait around for life to happen. You are the one to go create the life you want to live. It's up to you to decide if life has meaning or not. No one will take responsibility for your life. Its only you who is responsible for your life. Our potential is limitless, become the CEO of your life and and be the conscious creator of the life you want.
3. Self Awareness: Self awareness is the key to all the good there is to life. It's the first step to the resolution of any problem and what gets you through. You cannot get something if you do not know what you want. Be yourself and be true to yourself. Be who you are and not what others want you to be.
4. Actions and Results: There's no such a thing as coincidence. Everything happens because of a reason. Someone somewhere created a cause be it consciously or unconsciously.Thus, the result you get in life are credited by the action you take. The more the actions, the more the results. Also, the kind of results you get are a function of the kind of actions you take. If you want different results in life change your actions.
5. Giving and Receiving: This is a lesson I hold so close to my heart. A lesson that I chose to remember and live by through my life's journey and something that I totally acknowledge to be so true. You give to receive. Give what you want to get to receive just that. Also, become what you want to see in others, and be the change you want to see.
6. Love and relationships: Love begin deep inside us. That love, is not something you deliberately seek out for, rather it's something you attract by becoming the right person. You can't love someone well enough if you don't love yourself and are content with who you are.
Do not think of a relationship as a means to complete you. Realize you are complete by yourself and stop viewing relationship as two halves forming a whole but rather as two wholes forming a bigger union. Increase your level of self love and respect. Love yourself as you are right now, fully and unconditionally, then you can begin working on improving yourself. Attract the kind of love you wish for by first becoming the right person.
7. Settling: Never ever settle for what you don't deserve. Settling is for losers. Know your worth and do not be afraid to go for it.
Learn to elevate yourself high. When you set the bar for how you want to be treated, people will follow.
8. People and situations: There is always something good in everyone - even in the worst people we've come across. Also there's always something to learn from people or a situation, no matter how bad it is . Be keen on the lesson.
9. Change: I have come to the realization that you can't change people or a situation you have no control over. You can never control or change how others think, feel,or act. You can only change how you think, feel and act and lead by example. The only control you have is is how you react to things and people you cannot change.
10. Comparison and competition: Never compare yourself with others. We are all unique in our own ways. Your goal is not to be like others but to be yourself.
The only person you should compete with is who you were yesterday. Be your own competition and strive to be better every day.
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