Friday, 15 January 2016


This is pat two and the last series of the Self Discovery Series

Part 1: Discovering your inner self and creating your own life
Part 2: Self Reflection

How much really do you know about yourself? Self reflection is the first step to self discovery. When self reflecting you question about your behavior, your goals, your vision.  For starters, to be able to answer the question, "Who are you?" You need to mentally separate yourself for a moment from your social identities or roles.  Eliminate the thought that you are a mother, musician, entrepreneur, student, banker then try to answer the following questions:
  • Who are you?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are your dreams and visions?
  • What motivates you?
  • What is it that you love and don't love about yourself?
  • What are your values? 
  • What's your purpose?
  • What are you most grateful for
  • What makes you happy/sad? 
  • What gets you going day after day?
  • What would you fight for?
  • What are your world views and beliefs?
  • What's your view on life?
  • What personal improvements do you want to see in 2,3,5 years to come
Huh? Stuck? Anyone? I know, you probably never put much thought to it.  You are so lost in the outside word you even don't know who you are. Lets be truly honest and be true to ourselves.  If I were to ask the same question about the company you work for you'd have straight answers.  True or force? Like what's the vision for your company, its goals, its objective?  But the moment you are asked the above question lets say like in an interview, most often your mind wanders, you're blank.

Knowing yourself, is the beginning of truly living the more the reason you need to reflect more on yourself.  All the good comes from inside not outside. You may not have all the answers to the above questions, to be truly honest I don't but the sooner you start reflecting on them the better.  Self discovery is a long life process, it's a journey.

Limiting Beliefs

What kind of thoughts and beliefs are are you holding?   What are the beliefs that you have that are distracting you from unleashing your full potential?  Remember that your potential is limitless.

If you truly want to discover yourself and create the life you want to live, your have to disconnect yourself from whats not serving your purpose or your true self and reconnect more with yourself.  This include all the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.

Don't block your self discovery process by limiting your thoughts through the kind of beliefs you hold.  Limiting beliefs are killers of dreams, passion, purpose, exploration.  They hinder us from discovering the other side of life.
So often in our society you hear;
  • I cant do this because i don't want to be judged 
  • You can't be that
  • What will people think of me if I do this?
  • That career path does not serve you
  • I'll get rejected if I do this
  • That's only done by certain people
  • I'm already too old to start my passion
  • I cant do this because of that
  • You cant be this because of that.....

Realize you have the key to your own destiny.  Learning to listen to your heart and trusting your intuition can never go wrong.  Be more of what you feel from the inside and not what comes from the outside 

Start living the life you want and not the life others want you to.  Don't let anyone tell you you can't when you know and feel deep inside that you can.  The key here is to know how much of what you believe, is serving you or hindering your growth.

Start Now..

Start uncovering your inner self and creating your life now. Start by:
  •  Constant introspection
  •  learning to listen to your intuition. 
  • Looking beyond what you are made to believe by others and discovering for yourself
  •  Exposing yourself to material that help you grow e.g books. They change your perception and outlook on life and expand your awareness beyond what you know. 
  • Reflecting on your inner thoughts and belief and get to know the thoughts that trigger certain kind of emotions.  Shift to the positive thoughts

In Conclusion:

Growth is important.  Strive to become a better person than you were yesterday.  Becoming a better person than I was yesterday is what I am striving to achieve everyday.  I do not want to be in the same place year after year.  There's nothing as bad as being stagnate.  Being just in existence than truly living life.  Everyday is a chance to rewrite our story.

Self discovery process may not be easy.   You come to the realization that you have to disconnect yourself from things and people that no longer help you grow and get better, and there's always some fear.  However, no matter what, don't give up on your self discovery and growth journey.

Read more on : 40 Most Important Questions To Ask Yourself Regularly

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