Wednesday, 20 January 2016


How much do you know about yourself reallyHave you ever been asked a question about yourself and you get baffled by it?  You think about the question and it gets you to the 'aha' moment where you go like.."Hmm, I have never thought about that....." and then it certainly hits you how much of an important question that is and immediately you start reflecting on it? 

Claude Levi-Strauss, who was a famous French anthropologist said, "The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions."  There's just so much you can learn about someone by simply asking them the right questions. In the same way, there's just so much you can learn about yourself by asking yourself all the right questions.

Here is a conversation between a friend of mine and myself on watsup, some time back, about a question he asked me about myself. 

I must say I was quite impressed by how fast I got to answer the question.  To be truly honest however, it is because I had already started doing so much self reflection which is key to personal growth and self awareness.  If you'd have asked me the same questions a while back I'd honestly get stamped.  I still get baffled by some questions but the good thing is that self discovery is a long life process.

Questions are good.  When a question is asked it triggers your mind to deep thinking. The right questions drive our thought underneath the surface of things.

For example, questions of information force us to look at our source and quality of information, questions of purpose, force us to define our task, questions of assumptions force us to look at what we are taking for granted.
Hence, knowing the right questions to ask yourself every now and then will determine the kind of person you become.  It raises your self awareness levels e.g of where you are in life and where you wish to be and this in turn helps you to consciously chose the life you want to lead,a life dictated by your heart desires and not by others.  
"The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions"~ John Simone  

Here are 40 most important questions you should be asking yourself regularly:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What makes you happy?
  3. What's a happy life to you? What are you doing everyday to live a happier life?
  4. Are you happy with your life thus far? Why?/Why not?
  5. What are you passionate about? 
  6. What are your values? What do you stand for?Are you living in alignment with your values?
  7.  What do you live for? Your purpose? What do you want to do with your life?
  8. Do you love yourself? Why/why not? 
  9. Do you really love and enjoy what you do everyday?If not, what are you doing about it?  Is what you're doing developing you in any way?
  10. Are you leading a healthy life? Do you think it's important? Why or why not? If yes what are you doing everyday to improve your health?
  11. Are you proud of who you are and what you've done thus far? If not why not?
  12. Are you grateful for the things you already have and achieved in your life? 
  13. What's your top priority right now and what are you doing about it?
  14. What's your ideal self?  
  15. Are you living the life of you dreams? What are you doing right now to ensure you do that?
  16. What scares you most about life and why?
  17. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
  18. If you were to start your life all over again, is there anything you would change? what would it be?
  19. What change would you want to see in yourself and others and what are you doing about it?
  20. Are you a definition of what you want to see in others? Are you making sure you are? How?
  21. Are your friends helping you grow, pushing you beyond limits? Are they influencing you positively or negatively? How is this affecting your life? Do you think there's something you should do about it?
  22. When was the last time you did something good for someone or people for that matter? 
  23.  What are the things/who are the people you cherish most in life? Do you show them (for people) that you do cherish them and how do you do it? Do you think you could do it better and often?
  24. Who do you draw inspiration from in the world and why?
  25. What's the meaning of life to you?
  26. Are you really living life or just in existence?
  27. Are you truly living your life to the fullestDo you feel like there's more to life than what you already know, or been made to believe by others, or are you just settling and in your comfort zone, afraid of stepping off your comfort zone? 
  28. What do you think you should be doing and are not doing? If not now then when?
  29. Is chasing money all you want to do in your life?
  30. What would you consider doing forever without being paid and knowing that you'd never fail?
  31. What are some of the things you've done, are you not proud of?
  32. If you were to give your 15 year old self some advice what would you tell him/her?
  33. What would matter to you most when you're 80years old and above?
  34. What's on your bucket list and what are you doing everyday to clear the list?
  35. What would you do if you only had one year left to live?
  36. What would you regret not being, not doing or not having in your life if you only had one more day to live and what are you doing to make sure that never happens?
  37. What do you think you'd be remembered for?
  38. Imagine writing your own eulogy, what would you write? 
  39. What are the biggest lessons in life you've learnt so far?
  40. What are you doing everyday to improve your life or to be where you want to be tomorrow?
You may not have immediate answers to these questions, actually it's perfectly okay to not have the answers because asking the questions is somehow the answer to itself.  It's however important to ask yourself these questions regularly, as they will open up and expand your mind and slowly by slowly  give you clarity and the discovery process hence becomes easy.  They somehow become our intuition, guiding us through our life's journey. 

So? What's the one thing you'll do differently after reading this? 

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