Sunday, 24 January 2016


"You are the average of the five people you spend the most  time with" ~ Jim Rohn

Well, I wouldn't take this quote by motivational speaker Jim Rohn literally to mean that you really are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.  I believe your level of consciousness can determine how much you get influenced by people around you.  I believe however, that what he meant was, the kind of friends you surround yourself with will somehow have an influence in your life and impact who you eventually become.  Could be positively or negatively.

How the people you spend most time with will affect your life

First of, I believe your level of consciousness will determine how much you get influenced by people around you.  Knowing yourself well enough will help you become cognizant of the kind of friends you are keeping and thus the kind of influence they bring to your life, depending on how you frequently chose to spend time with them.

However, energy is really  contagious.  The ones you spend most time with influence your thoughts, beliefs, attitude and your level of success more than you think.  You may be truly conscious but if you tend to constantly surround yourself with negative people, people vibrating at low energy levels, it will definitely have a downside effect in your life as opposed to surrounding yourself with people of a higher vibration, positive minded people who will elevate you higher and push you to become  better.

For example, if you are always around people who are always complaining, shifting blame on everyone, people who always tend to see life at a negative perspective, they will somehow want to make you see life 'in their perspective'.   Slowly by slowly you'll start shifting into their level of low vibration even if you were initially a positive minded person.

On the other hand surrounding yourself with optimistic people, people who are always followed by success because they understand that life is what you make it out to be, will inspire you and will actually give you an insight in life that you probably never knew existed.  They will push you to strive higher and become like them.

This however does not mean that you have to lose all your friends if they do not elevate you.   I believe there are different kind of friendship levels and knowing the level of friendship you are in with someone is the key.  You could have friends who are colleagues, friends who are your family, friends who inspire you, friends who don't necessary have highs aspirations but are fun to be with.

All these friends are great for different things.  The key here is the time you spend with each of these friends.  Spend less time with people who don't add value to your life and more with those who enable you become a better person.  However if they are the kind of friends who always want to bring you down and do this intentionally, then I believe that you should completely cut them from your life completely.

Identify Your Circle

Identify the kind of person you want to become: The first step to knowing if the kind of friends you hang out with are helping you grow or not is to identify the person you want to become.  Your ideal self.  Do these friends  match the qualities you want to possess?  Do they elevate you and push you closer to your vision or do they bring you down?

Identify the people who you admire and inspire you to become better

This could be anyone.  It could be people in your social circle or outside your social circle.  It could be people who are locally or international known and you  have no contact with.
After identifying them, think of how you could increase contact with them.  You could do this by either direct contact or through their works.

If it someone you know you could start spending more time with them, getting to know them better..  If it's someone you do not know, you could follow their works if they have any.  These include books they've written, their shows, their social media pages.  For example I personally draw inspiration from plenty of people I have no direct contact with both locally and internationally e.g Dr. Chris Kirubi, locally and Oprah Winfrey internationally.  However, this doesn't stop me from learning from them.  A simple thing as following the right people on social media would surprise you, as there's  just so much you could learn and grow from them.

Get Busy Becoming The Best Version of Yourself    

The moment you begin your personal growth journey, that moment when you realize that it is you to create the life you want and no one else, you will automatically see yourself attracting the kind of friends vibrating at the same conscious level as you and slowly you start detaching yourself from those friends who don't help you grow.  Moreover, the energy level you start vibrating at will become contagious to the people around you and you will automatically start inspiring the people around you with your positivity and be the one elevating your friends.
Focus on becoming your best self and being the best you can be to your friends through your actions.

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