Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Finally up!!!!!

 I am super super excited!! They say 'The hardest part on any journey is taking that first step' This is incredibly true, well at least for me.  This first post has  been a long time coming for me.  Been wanting to do this since early this year and it's not until mid this year that I decided to take the step to do some research on the blogging world. 

Yes! It's been 6months of thorough research, envisionment and planning. Well, since I discovered blogging, I fell in love with the whole idea of being an inspiration to people by doing things you love.  The idea of blogging for me was specifically to help improve myself in terms of rediscovering myself, becoming my best self and at the same time inspire someone positively. Yet, I was not sure of the niche to take at that time.  Thanks to the myriad of blogs that I read, that I stumbled upon Personal Development blogs. This developed an insight in my life that I was totally unaware of.
 In those six months I've grown and learnt a lot.  I've discovered so much! So much that i did not know about myself, yet, I am still a work in progress. I am on a journey to self discovery, a self development journey to achieving my highest potential and becoming my best self while living my best life and at the same time, help you to do the same.

In case you have not read the about page, this is a personal development blog and every week it will be updated with new articles aimed at improving your life, covering areas of your life such as conscious living, relationship, Career and work, health and fitness as well as documenting my personal journey.

Its the 30th of December, 2015 one day to the new year and I am so glad I got to do my first blog post before the end of the year.  I have got so much to be thankful for in the year 2015 and that will be my second and last post for this year. My gratitude journal for the year 2015.

Be sure to bookmark and subscribe to this blog as your join me on this journey and to immerse yourself in material that is going to help you become your best self and live your best life.  Remember: you have it in you to become whomever you want to be and achieve anything you wish for.  Begin by being a positive thinker.  See you on my next post and thank you for taking the time to read.

With love 

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